We started a new birthday tradition this year...we made a

Mom and Dad put their building skills to use. Originally we had looked into getting a gingerbread house mold, but then got creative and designed our own style and size. We love building projects, especially the kind you can EAT ;)

Holly made a mini-gingerbread house (3x3) for her friend, Rebecca at church whose birthday was also on March 13th : )

Holly bought Emily a new American girl dress for her doll Samantha

The girls had a birthday celebration at church, for Emily and Rebecca

Emily's gift from Rebecca, a hat and scarf for Samanatha

The BIG gift...a huge, unexpected SURPRISE!

too cute that I had to add this one

Emily chose to have lunch at Samboli's
pizza...calzones...pizza steaks...YUM!!!

Our neighbors bought Emily a Jessie doll...they said you are only a child once and she needed one, so thanks Marsha and Steve, you're AWESOME!

Birthday cake this year was hot fudge cake with ice cream

the start of decorating the gingerbread house...

love Emily's hair this way...SO PRETTY!

Jedidiah watching...wishing he could help

Holly helped decorate one side...

everyone took part...

Tobias and Sari got to decorate the gingerbread men

too much fun!
The finished product!
vote was: MORE "favorite" candy next year!...especially the good kind!
...jelly beans...reeses...m&m's...rolos...baby snickers...kisses...

The back side even has a rock (jelly bean) chimney!
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