We had our 1st water birth! And it was a GREAT experience!
Labor started around 3:00am...

...and Jedidiah was born into our family...
at 6:50am
November 1st, 2010
9 1/2 lbs
21 inches

a VERY relieved and tired momma

Momma is super happy that the event is over and Jedidiah is here!

Daddy's new BOY!

Sari attended her first birth. She assisted in cutting the cord and got to hold the baby 1st!

Emily was also awake to see her brother born

BIG SMILES for a NEW big sister Avalee

Tobias is delighted to have a BROTHER!

BIG sister Holly was of course a huge help during the whole birth process

momma's favorite...holding the baby OUTSIDE the womb

an exhausted mid-wife intern

Avalee LOVES holding her brother

kisses for Avalee's new brother
Jedidiah Eli Coon"beloved or friend of God"Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is pure (tested as with refiners fire) : He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him"
I am thrilled to share a birthday with my new nephew!