We had a super fun time at a nearby man made lake

It was a beautiful day and the water was warm and the sun wasn't too hot

Jared, Holly and Emily

The little table: Nathan, Carly, Tobias and Sari

Peter and Avalee

Chad doing a fine job cooking up the finest fish fry

In the evenings Brandon and Allison Mueller joined in for the fellowship and fun
...that made 6 adults and 13 children...what a blast!

Clara(7) and Nathan(3) Mueller...great looking children...are there more to follow?

The children had a blast playing a lot of soccer and then they did a lot of swimming to cool off

Sari-3 (birthday, Oct. 21st) and Carly-3 (birthday, Sept. 30th)

Peter-1 (birthday Dec. 3rd) and Avalee-1 (birthday October 26th)

Rest and Relaxation

Chad and Brandon in the kitchen making diner: homemade spaghetti sauce/meatballs...EXCELLENT!

Our handsome little man!

What beautiful girls!

mealtime...ahh sooo YUMMIE!

My friend Muffy is amazing...she is serving everyone
all at once!
(she's wearing a pink shirt...can you find her all 3x's?)

Clara Mueller and Tobias watching the soccer game

This is a Great photo for a hallmark card

Smiling and hugging

Great friends...thanks for another enjoyable visit, full of GREAT food, laughter, baby talk, marriage videos and awesome God talk...GREAT fellowship as always!
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