Jason and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 9th, 2010. So, we decided to spend our anniversary this year having a family day out, doing something special and something out of the ordinary...so we took the children to the Adventure Science Center (www.adventuresci.com) in Nashville. The children had a blast exploring and seeing new things and we of course had a great time enjoying watching them have fun.

Avalee tried her hardest to get those beach balls being forced up by a squirrel fan

Tobias unscrewed the lug nuts and took the tire off a car

In the Space gallery, Holly is doing the EVA experience (extra vehicular activities).
This is a simulated weightlessness, where you attempt a series of activities to see how astronauts work in zero gravity.

Avalee being her cute self!

Emily and Holly waiting to do the moonwalk

the spectators watching their BIG sisters

Holly and Emily got the feeling of walking on the moon in 1/6 gravity

Tobias and Sari on top of the adventure tower. It was a great day!